Data Compression

Hi, this is Bndsbon. In this blog post, I am going to introduce to you a new term, called data compression. Data compression reduces the amount of space needed to store a certain data or information. Nevertheless, data compression is measured by the size of the compressed data divided by the size of the original data.... Continue Reading →

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Hi this is Bndsbon. In this blog pot I am going to talk about Virtual Private Network, as known as VPN. People in China, in particular, use them almost at a daily bases. VPN, by definition, is a secured network that connects over a public network, and it is owned by a serive provider. It... Continue Reading →

Network Layer

Hello, this is Bndsbon. Today I am going to talk about Network Layer in the computer world. Wanted to know more information on computer networks? Please visit my previous blog posts: Network Fundamentals Functions of Protocols and Transmission Speed Network Protocols and Packet Switching Before talking about the layers of computer network, we need to... Continue Reading →

Functions of Protocols and Transmission Speed

Hello, this is Bndsbon. I have talked about Computer network, network protocols and packeting in previous blog posts. (Need more information? Visit my previous blogs) Today I am going to talk about the functions of network protocols, what are their roles in the network of computers, and the transmission speed of data. Picture from Network protocol... Continue Reading →

Primary Storage Poster

  References “A look inside" N.D. Web. 15 Sept. 2016. Rouse, Margaret. “What is primary storage (main storage or primary memory)? ­ definition from” Search Storage. SearchStorage, Aug. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2016. “What is primary storage device?” Computer Hope. Google+, 2016. Web. 7 Oct. 2016. “The key to get ahead, into... Continue Reading →

Network Protocols and Packet Switching

As we have learned in the previous blog post about computer network click this link to see more information: Network Fundamentals. Today we are going to talk about the protocols that limits the data transfer in the network. Network protocols is basically a set of rules that used to define the ways to exchange data within... Continue Reading →

Network Fundamentals

Hi, this is Bndsbon. Today we will be covering foundamentals of computer networks, and various computer componets. Be aware that in this blog post, there will be plenty of new terms. Computer Hardware: It is the physical element within a computer, if a computer is a human, the hardware is like the organs and the... Continue Reading →

Computer Memory

Hey there! Yes it is me again, Bndsbon, a student who is currently studying in Beijing National Day School IB Programme. I will be covering some fundamental aspects of computer memory in today's blog post. There are three types of memory in computer memory, and they are, Primary memory, Secondary memory, and Tertiary memory. However,... Continue Reading →

CPU, ALU, CU, and Registers

Hola, this is Bndsbon. In this blog post  I am going to introduce to you the fantastic world of CPU, ALU, CU, and Registers. And again, they are the very basics. Before talking about the CPU, ALU, CU, and Registers, Let's have a look at the famous Von Neumann Architecture. Picture from Wikipedia  As shown... Continue Reading →

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