Network Fundamentals

Hi, this is Bndsbon. Today we will be covering foundamentals of computer networks, and various computer componets. Be aware that in this blog post, there will be plenty of new terms.

Computer Hardware: It is the physical element within a computer, if a computer is a human, the hardware is like the organs and the brain.

Computer Software: Instructions that can be understood by the CPU, it includes programs and data. If a computer is a human being, the computer software is like the mind.

Perpherial Device: It is a device that is able to communicate with the computer, it is like a complement to the computer itself.

Human Resources: Similar to economics, in computer science, we need human resources as well. They are the resources (human) that can be used, and they can part of a business or an organization.


Picture from Computer Network 

Computer Network: Since it is a network, it will include a series of different computers, and within this network, communication and data transfer are allowed. Basically, Server, Client, Router, and Firewall are the foundamental roles in a computer network.

Before this computer science class, I know some knowledge about network fundamentals, but after this class, I found that what I used to know is really just a tip of the iceberg. As computer network is virtual, we can consider the computer network as a community. within the community, there are people (clients) who order products online, and the app they use to order the product can be seen as a server. If a wrong product is send to the wrong person, the sercurity (Firewall) in the community will block the product.

Here is an URL of a video about how DNS (Domain Name Server) works:

Within the computer network, there are a lots and lots of roles, and millions of data, it’s complexibility is beyound our imaginations, though computer network was invented decades ago, it is still very amazing to look back and find how intelligent the builders of computer network is. Neverthless, I am looking forward to our next class!


“Computer network USA.” Computer Network. Computer Network USA, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.

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