Network Layer

Hello, this is Bndsbon. Today I am going to talk about Network Layer in the computer world. Wanted to know more information on computer networks? Please visit my previous blog posts:

Network Fundamentals

Functions of Protocols and Transmission Speed

Network Protocols and Packet Switching

Before talking about the layers of computer network, we need to know what standards are. Literally speaking, they are like the language we use every hour of every day. They are the coomon grounds that determines how we can communicate and contact each other. And there are two organizations that standarize the network protocols, they are the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

The OSI model, also known as the reference model, is design and established by the International Standards Organization. It’s main purpose it to push forward the communication between different systems. It is similar to the job of a router in a computer network. It is know as a reference model because it give the computer programmer and us a general picture of network layer and their functions.

This is a picture describing the functions of each layer in a OSI model


Picture from Pinterest

Here are the advantages of having network layers:

Products from different producers can work toegther as a whole

There is a greater understanding of each layer

relatively-easy to manage

The manufacturers can pay their attention on one single layer

Protocols can be designed easier

As technologies of a particular layer improves, it is independent from the techonolgy advancement of other layers.

There is also a better understanding of each layer

*There are seven layers in the OSI model

TCP/IP is a protocol model, it has 4 layers (Network Access, Internet, Transport, and Application) Within this model, it explains the requirements for communication between different users. Moreover, the TCP/IP is a hierarchial model protocol.

After today’s lesson, I realized that Network layers is actually a more detained explanation of the computer network, and sometimes the information in this lesson is kind of difficult to understand. I will need more reviews in the future.

My dear readers, all the best.



“FCS network.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Oct. 2015. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

“Osi model.” Pinterest. Pinterest, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

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