Depression? A New Virus in Teenagers?

Hi, welcome again to BNDSbon’s blog! In this blog post, I am going to talk about one of the phenomenon issues that now teenagers suffers — Depression.

Depression itself does not make it a very dangerous health problem, but its variety of symptoms and people ill knowledge for Depression are what makes it dangerous.

Connecting with elite researchers from Harvard University and Princeton University, I have come up with some of the major symptoms that depression usually exhibits.



Feeling Sad and hopeless, cry for no reason

Can be Easily irritated

Feeling anger, even on daily trifles

Low Self-Esteem

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason

Sensitivity to failures


Frequent thought of suicide and ways to end life


Loss of energy and tired

Increase use of alcohol and drugs


Changes in appetite

Weight loss

Social isolation

Poor Scholastic Performance

Neglected Appearance


Outbursts of Anger

For depression, it is especially hard to detect in teenagers. As it is common for teenagers to change in emotions when they are going through puberty. Parents might not know what is depression and what is not. Still, watch out for their reaction and changes in emotions. Talk to your teens and find out if he or she is able to manage his or her emotions easily and successfully. If you still cannot decide whether the person suffering from a depression or not, go to the medical caring center locally or contact 1-800-273-8255 (in the U.S.), 1-800-273-8377 (international) for further advice.



Unfortunately, if depression is the case with you or with someone you are familiar with, here is what you should and could do:

  • Talk to someone who you know best, share the things you are currently struggling with. Feel Confident in talking about those issues, you’ll definitely feel better!
  • Contact with the local godfather, spiritual leader in your religion community
  • Go to see a psychological counselor, especially someone who is focusing on teenager issues
  • Write an email to organizations like Samaritan (, which is experienced in helping you with depression
  • Call 911 (If that is really an emergency, ex: someone near you is trying to suicide)
  • Eat healthy food and do normal exercises
  • Go out with friends and try to stay with your close friends
  • You can also download the Samaritan App which has a step-by-step guide to helping you to conquer depression

Always remember you are not alone! We are here to help!

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