A Response to Mr. Franklin

Hello everyone, as I was reading the analogy of Benjamin Franklin the other day, I have found a line of sentence particularly inspiring, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.


Liberty is what we call as freedom. When we give up liberty, to obtain the so-called “safety,” we are actually blinding ourselves with the feeling of security. Just like the government surveillance system, we tend to think that the system should be implemented in the neighborhood we live in, the CBD we work in, as we believe the security cameras can invigilate the villains. However, it gives up much of our liberty. Our actions are being monitored every hour of every day. Anonymous organizations might even hack into the surveillance system, and our private life is exposed. Though we get the superficial feeling of being protected, a small glitch in the system can put every one of us in danger.

Therefore, I agree with what Mr. Franklin said, we cannot and should not obtain security at the cost of liberty. Because we never know what does that “security” really means. We can only create our safety by having freedom, protect ourselves by ourselves.






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