Java Exercise for Revision

Hello, this is Bndsbon. In this blog post, I am going to talk about java programming exercises. These exercises will be focusing on the use of arrays in programming.     Here is my solution to Problem 1, which uses the scanner and a for-loop to complete the checking for the occurrence of a number.... Continue Reading →

A Response to Mr. Franklin

Hello everyone, as I was reading the analogy of Benjamin Franklin the other day, I have found a line of sentence particularly inspiring, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Liberty is what we call as freedom. When we give up liberty, to obtain... Continue Reading →

Depression? A New Virus in Teenagers?

Hi, welcome again to BNDSbon's blog! In this blog post, I am going to talk about one of the phenomenon issues that now teenagers suffers -- Depression. Depression itself does not make it a very dangerous health problem, but its variety of symptoms and people ill knowledge for Depression are what makes it dangerous. Connecting... Continue Reading →

Application Software

Hello, this is Bndsbon. In this blog post I am going to talk about application software, as a essential part of the computer, application software has been playing as a pivotal task in helping the computer users to gain the necessary informations. First, the application software itself helps the user to do non-computer related tasks.... Continue Reading →

Operating System

Hi I am Bndsbon, in this blog post I am going to talk about operating system, which I have learned for the past week. Operating System, as part of the braches system software within the system main frame, it is composed of softwares that effectively controls the hardwares and give services for programs. In essence,... Continue Reading →

Abstract and Polymorphism

Hello, this is Bndsbon. In this blog post, I am going to talk about the abstract method in Java as well as one of the core components of IB Computer Science, polymorphism. Before going into the topics here, I want to reiterate about the previous programming terms that we have covered before: Class: the map... Continue Reading →

Searching and Sorting an Array

Hi, long long time no see, this is Bndsbon. And the blog post I am writing about is related to searching and sorting an array. Which includes several different sorting methods. And some exercises of the textbook. So without further due, let us get started! Searching Algorithms When computers are created, people were looking for... Continue Reading →

Programming Activity 8.4

Hi, this is Bndsbon. Today I am going to talk about Programming Activity 8.4, which is part of the exercises we currently have in the textbook. The activity is going to include the knowledge of ArrayList and GUI. Without Further due, let's get started! Here are the requirements for this activity from the textbook: Here is... Continue Reading →

Programming Activity – 10.4

Hello, this is Bndsbon. Welcome to my blog post again. Today, we will be talking about one of the exercises I have completed for the inheritance chapter. To begin with, here is the question for my exercise. and here is the UML class diagram The direct super class for checkingaccount and savingsaccount is bankaccount, which... Continue Reading →

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