Data Presentation

On Last Wednesday, in our computer science class, we learned how information and data are presented in a computer. Without further due, let us have a look at several newly learned definitions. Picture from Spyder Wallpapers Computer: Computers are multimedia devices, dealing with a vast array of information categories (Computers store, present, and help us modify... Continue Reading →

Bit, Byte, Binary and Hexadecimal

Last Tuesday, in our computer class, we learning about bit, bytes, and hexadecimal. Since it is a first for me to learn about computer notations/units, it is pretty hard to fully understand them. In the following in passage, I am going to talk about the definitions of key terms that we discussed in class, and... Continue Reading →

Layers of computer system

During today’s lesson, we learned about layers of computing systems. In computing system, there are different layers, just like onions. Different layers play different roles in the whole computer system. Photo from Computer Science Illuminated  The first layer is information, which represents the way we represent information on a computer. 1 and 0 are the... Continue Reading →

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