Reading Assignment (3.15, 12.7 and 12.9)

  Hello, this is Bndsbon, in this blog post, I am going to talk about the reading assignment I have completed over the last two weeks. Some of the information you might found similar to the ones in previous blog posts, but I ensure you that you should review them more and get a better... Continue Reading →

6 Exercises (Structured Text File)

Hello, this is Bndsbon. In this blog post, I am going to talk about the 6 exercises I have completed on my structured Text file. The structured text file is a part tha I have newly learned, which includes writing from text file, reading from text file, toString method, etc. Without further due, let's get... Continue Reading →

File I/O and Mini Project

Hello this is Bndsbon. In this blog post, I am going to talk about a Mini project I have completed during the past one week, and the input and outputf file Stream objects, I/OException handling, and PrintWriter, Scanner, etc. These things are very fundamental to our programming in computer science, as they build the concrete fundation... Continue Reading →

Library Version 2

Hi, this is Bndsbon again, meeting you on this cool Tuesday afternoon. Today I will be talking about the Library project that I have designed over the past two weeks or so. This my first self-designed proram, thought it acts pretty simple, but it incorperated a series of knowledges I have learned during the past... Continue Reading →

Track Class and Iterator

In this blog post, I am going to talk about the track class and iterator, which are two significant part when we are doing Java programming. In oder to understand them, I am going to incorporate what exercise I did which the concept I am going to talk about. Without further due, let's get started.... Continue Reading →

Collection – ArrayList

Hi, this is Bndsbon, in this blog post, I am going to focus more on the programming part of our courses, which involves, of course, java. This blog post will be especially dedicated to the demostration and explanation of arryalist, which is a basic component of Java programming, without further due, let's get started. To... Continue Reading →

Usability and Ethics

Hello, this is Bndsbon. In this blog post I am going to talk about usability and ethic issues related to usability. It is very important for us to keep noted about the ethics and usability, since they need to be covered in the Internal Assessments. Without further due, let us get started. Component of Usability... Continue Reading →

IA and Usability

Hello, this is Bndsbon. As a offical IB Student, and a computer science student. We need to complete our IA for the IBDP. And in this blog post, I am going to talk about how is IA going to be completed, and the usability which represents a crucial part of out IA. Let's get started!... Continue Reading →

System Design and Prototype

Hello, this is Bndsbon. In this blog post I am going to keep talk about System Design and Prototype. These are the basic fundamentals to out Internal Assessments. Without further due, let's get start it. ¶ System Design With in a system, there is must be requirements for the system and the requirements for the system... Continue Reading →

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