WHILE Loop Exercise + Flowchart and Pseudocode

Hi, this is Bndsbon. In this blog post, I am going to talk WHILE Loop, Flowchart, and Pseudocode. If you want to know more information, please visit my previous blog post! Now, let's get started. WHILE Loop Exercise I have already covered in the previous blog post, in this one, I am going to talk... Continue Reading →

Flowchart and Pseudocode of Java Exercises

Hello, this is Bndsbon, in this blog post I will be talking about some of the excerises I did according to the Java Looping and Standard Algorithms Powerpoint. To begin with, let have a look at different categories of lopping in Java, there are mainly three categories of lopping, they are: WHILE, DO-WHILE, and FOR. Here... Continue Reading →

Java Exercises

Hi, this is Bndsbon. This blog post is in relation with the Java Intro, if you need more information, please hit the button "Java Intro". In Java excercises, there is basically two types of errors, one is syntax error, which happens when you mistakenly did something wrong in the program, you cannot compile the program without fixing the... Continue Reading →

Introduction to Java

Hello everyone, welcome to Bndsbon's blog! Today I will be talking about something every beginnner in Computer Science think they should study---Java. First, let's start by looking at the definition of Java, it is a cross-platform, high level language. The very first computer programmers choose Java as it's name because there is a island called... Continue Reading →

Pseudocode and Flowchart

Hello everyone, this is Bndsbon. Today I will be talking about the Flowchart and Rseudocode examples. Need more review on Pseudocode and Flowchart? Please check Intro to Algorithm. Write pseudo code that reads two numbers and multiplies them together and print out their product.   2. Write pseudo code that tells a user that the number... Continue Reading →

Intro to Algorithm

Hello, This is Bndsbon. Different than all the blog posts before, today I am going to talk about Algorithms. However, I am not going to cover all the deep and profound concepts but rather the basic and foundamental knowledge about algorithms in this blog post. So pay attention! Algorithm is, basically a very detailed way... Continue Reading →

Network Security

Long time no see! This is Bndsbon. Today I am going to talk about security in computer networks. This has always been an essential issue for computer users. Today this issue, of network security, still remains debatable. Before I talk about sercurity, let's have a look at what will usually happen in a computer network... Continue Reading →

Transmission Media

Hello, this is Bndsbon. In this very blog post, I am going to talk about transmission data, it might sound a bit adstract to you, but once you get the point, it will be very easy. Basically, there is two types of transimission data, one is guided (wired), the other is unguided (wireless). Wired Transmission... Continue Reading →

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